Q & A’s for – Annie M. Cole
So, when is the next book coming out?
Blue Saint has just been released! April 2021

Looking for a Summer Read! Try Summer’s Keep!
Summer’s Keep is a family saga set on the beautiful South Carolina coast. The story holds a thin, and often invisible, line of hope with diverse characters that clash and mix so as to make this story an unpredictable one, that I hope you’ll enjoy.
What was the first book you read?
The Wind and the Willows, I think, by Kenneth Grahame
With the arrival of spring and fine weather outside, the good-natured Mole loses patience with spring cleaning. He flees his underground home, emerging to take in the air and ends up at the river, which he has never seen before. Here he meets Ratty (a water rat), who at this time of year spends all his days in, on and close by the river. Rat takes Mole for a ride in his rowing boat. They get along well and spend many more days boating, with Rat teaching Mole the ways of the river.
~ Wikipedia
I poured over many books as a child. Sadly, I can’t remember many of the names, only the impressions of them on a child’s mind.
Who are your heroes in real life?
Of those, I have many. I’ll start with the most influential to my life.
1. Jesus
2. My Husband, Bubba Cole
3. My Grandmother and Mother
4. Charles Haddon Spurgeon
5. Dr. Paul Brand
6. George Washington Carver
7. George Muller
8. King David
9. Abigail -Old Testament Heroine
To name a few…
What is your favorite genre?
That’s a toss-up. I love a good inspirational book with a compelling theme, both fiction and non-fiction. Southern lit also intrigues me. Come to think of it, I enjoy a good mystery from time-to-time.
What kind of movies do you like?
My sons say when I list my favorite movies, I sound like a dude. But you asked so here goes.
1. Horse Soldiers – and, yes…I’m a John Wayne fan.
2. Brave Heart
3. The Patriot
4. The Passion of the Christ – I think Mel Gibson is a genius.
5. The Lord of the Rings – I’m a J R R Tolkien fan.
6. The Elephant Man – The only movie that makes me cry uncontrollably every time I watch it. I’m tearing up now just thinking about it.
8. The Quiet Man
9. Poldark
10. Lonesome Dove
Who are your favorite characters from your novels and which characters are the most popular?
Okay, that’s like asking me to pick my favorite child. Although I equally enjoy the male characters of my stories, all of them strong in some areas, weak in others, I’ll focus on the females.
Telie, from Bell Forest, probably has the biggest following. I still receive lemon scented gifts from her loyal fans.
Madeline, from Water on a Sea Star, has a broader range of followers from all walks of life. Many people relate to her struggles. Some of the sweetest notes, posts and reviews have come from Madeline fans.
Lannie, from Silver Leaf, is a favorite character of mine for lots of reasons. I absolutely love her spirit! Interestingly, people who relate to Lannie tend to be somewhat reserved. It’s as if Lannie’s character brings out their bold colors.
Bay, from Murmuring Cove, teaches us lessons about Grace. The most poignant letter I’ve ever received came from a person who identified with Bay’s story. I’ll treasure that letter, forever.
Shanna, from Summer’s Keep, leads a quiet life, but her simplicity of heart and strength of character challenges those who, for whatever reason, find themselves involved with her. One thing is certain; all who encounter her, encounter more than they’ve bargained for.
Leta, from Blue Saint, will always hold a special place in my heart. I connect with this character on so many levels. I adore her and her determination and courage to start over in life and seek what her heart longs for.
If you have a question for Annie M. Cole, please send it along. She’ll be happy to respond. And, thank you for your interest in the works of our Author!